Golden Retriever – Characteristics, personality and care


A ball of golden fur full of love to give! If there was a poetic definition for the Golden Retriever in the dictionary, this would definitely be it. This is undoubtedly one of the most beloved breeds on the planet and when we stop to analyze it, there are really reasons to want to have this breed at home.

Goldens are obedient and docile, not to mention the beauty and love they have for their owners. Below we tell you everything about the characteristics, origin, temperament and everything else about this sweetheart in the form of a dog.


The Golden Retriever emerged in the 19th century due to the need that residents of Great Britain had for a breed that could help with hunting. After all, at that time, hunting went beyond a sport and was one of the main sources of food for people. Because of this, Baron Tweedmouth of Scotland devised a plan to create the perfect breed for the activity. It needed to be an intelligent dog, easy to learn, medium-sized and obedient.

Thus, in 1868, the first litter of a cross between a Retriever and a Tweed Water Spaniel (extinct breed) appeared, which are the first of the Golden Retriever lineage that we know today.

Due to its usefulness, it did not take long for the breed to spread throughout Great Britain and become popular. In America, the first records of the breed in Canada and the USA date from the years 1881 and 1894. Currently, all over the world there are several clubs of Golden Retriever enthusiasts that meet in conventions about the breed.

Characteristics of the Golden Retriever

With long, golden hair, as the name implies, Golden Retrievers tend to be medium to large in size. They are robust dogs, with strong paws, elongated muzzle and medium-sized ears. In addition, they are extremely intelligent dogs, which is why they are often chosen as guide dogs or help dogs for other illnesses and needs. They are also very energetic and require frequent physical activity.

They LOVE water, whether it's pool, river or rain so it's best to teach them from a young age so that they only play in these places if they have the command of a human. Otherwise, keeping your dog clean, and especially dry, may not be an easy task.


It is almost unanimous when we refer to the Golden as the “perfect dog”, because they really are.

With a docile and gentle temperament, they get along well with everyone, whether they are known or strangers. Ideal for living with children, they are patient and love the excitement of the little ones that help them burn energy. In fact, because of all this love, they are very attached to their humans and require a good amount of attention.

The Goldens Retriever is that type of puppy that is truly part of the family. They are protective, loyal, obedient and VERY happy.

They like to play a lot, a lot, so make sure you have time to enjoy this dog before thinking about adopting one. Another wonderful thing about this breed is that they get along very well with other animals. So, of course, after a period of adaptation, don't be afraid to adopt this breed if you have other dogs or other species at home. Golden will be overjoyed to have even more company to play with.

be aware that this is a relatively large breed, so the ideal is to have a large space for the dog to exercise. If it is not possible to have this space at home, guarantee at least one walk a day so that your puppy does not get depressed, ok!?

Care and Grooming of the Golden Retriever


One of the most beautiful characteristics of Goldens is their long, golden fur. However, to keep it detangled and shiny, you need to brush it at least once a week. Short bristle brushes or a soft brush are ideal for keeping this habit going.

Tip: In order not to make this moment of brushing your dog turbulent, the ideal thing is that, since a puppy, this moment is associated with fun or relaxation. So, try to intersperse the brushing with games and a lot of affection so that your puppy understands that this is a pleasant moment.


Usually the Golden Retriever is a breed that LOVES water, so you probably won't have many problems keeping your dog clean.

The ideal is a bath every 15 days, not being possible, at least one bath per month, always with specific products for dogs. Oh, and always taking care that the hairs dry very well and that water does not get into the ears.

Caring for Your Golden Retriever's Health

It is important to remember that all breeds have some predisposition to some diseases. With regard to Goldens, the greatest care must be taken with eyes that are very often affected by cataracts. Also with the hips that over the years can weaken due to the size and weight of the Golden. Despite this, all these problems can be avoided or remedied with frequent monitoring by a trusted veterinarian. Consultations from time to time are necessary to ensure that your best friend stays with you for as long as possible 😉


Due to their medium to large size and long hair, Goldens need a well-balanced diet that guarantees them all the necessary nutrients. Therefore, always try to give your dog a good quality food and, if possible, one indicated by the veterinarian. That's because only he will know all the needs of his dog's organism and what's best for him.

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