10 best apartment dog breeds; find out if yours adapts well to this space


Find out which are the ten best dog breeds to raise in an apartment and discover their positives and negatives

And what are these apartment dog breeds? Below, we present the top 10! Keep reading and find out what they are!

1. Pinscher

The pinscher measures 25 to 30 centimeters, is a fearless breed and is always on the alert. However, it has a strong personality and barks a lot when it feels threatened.

It is common for the pinscher to have skin diseases, mange, patellar luxation, heart problems and progressive retinal atrophy. Such problems are more frequent as the dog gets older.

2. Chihuahua

The chihuahua has a personality similar to that of the pinscher, but smaller size, with 15 to 22 centimeters. It is an intelligent, affectionate and courageous breed.

On the downside, it can be affected by genetic or hereditary conditions such as obesity, glaucoma, spinal injuries and hypoglycemia.

This is an active breed, so it's important to take the dog for a walk or play with it more when you're in the apartment.

3. Maltese

The Maltese is a docile, playful and intelligent dog. It is 20 to 25 centimeters in size, likes company and tends to get along with anyone, including strangers.

Interestingly, he tends to bond better with older children. However, it has negative points such as barking a lot and hating being alone in the apartment.

It is a breed more susceptible to endocardiosis, which is a progressive disease of the cardiovascular system without definitive treatment. Other common ailments are hernia and glaucoma.

4. Yorkshire

The Yorkshire dog is agitated, but it is possible to soften this characteristic with training. He is 15 to 20 centimeters in size, is affectionate and docile.

It can play the role of a guard dog, it is a pet option for allergy sufferers and it does not need to exercise frequently to have energy expenditure.

Its negative point is the need to socialize frequently so as not to surprise strangers or be aggressive. In addition, you may have joint and hip problems, as well as bone fractures.

5. Shih Tzu

The shih tzu dog is characterized by being calm, so much so that it is widely used in behavioral therapies. It can be 9 to 11 inches in size, is outgoing and does well with children.

It requires special care because of its long coat. In addition, it is common for dogs of this breed to have skin, respiratory and food allergies. In some cases, bladder infections can develop.

6. Poodle

The poodle is intelligent and playful, companion and faithful to the tutor. It can be 25 to 40 centimeters in size and tends to be agitated. So it's important to play or walk everyday to burn off energy.

Another care that must be taken is with the dog's hair, so that it does not stick and form knots. This breed is more prone to eye disease and hyperthyroidism.

7. Pomeranian

The Pomeranian is fierce but easy to train. In addition, it is an attentive and devoted dog to its owner. The animal measures 18 to 22 centimeters and is more delicate, being more susceptible to injuries.

They are also more likely to have problems with their knee joints, causing pain and difficulty making movements.


The dog is docile, loving and calm, faithful to the owner and the perfect domestic dog for families or the elderly, especially those who live alone.

He is 25 to 30 centimeters and is brachycephalic, with a more closed nose than other breeds. Therefore, it is not recommended to run with the pug, as it has difficulty breathing in intense movements.

9. Dachshund

The Dachshund dog is the sausage! It is a lively and energetic breed, so it needs to be walked, exercised and played.

The sausage is not measured by height, but by the length of its chest, which normally ranges from 30 to 35 centimeters. Dogs of this breed are more likely to have disc herniation, progressive retinal atrophy and hypothyroidism.

10. French bulldog

It is a lively breed, full of energy, playful and that likes to stay close to the family, including children. It measures from 24 to 35 centimeters and, like the pug, is brachycephalic.

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