Chihuahu – History, characteristics and care


In advance, this breed is considered one of the smallest in the world, has a cheeky temperament and loves to play. However, contrary to their size, the breed is very courageous, they face challenges and are fearless.

In that sense, if you are thinking about adopting a Chihuahua and want complete information about this breed, its temperament, personality and characteristics and more? Read this article.

History of the Chihuahua

Firstly, the history of this race is quite unique, there is archaeological evidence from millenary records that relate the emergence of this race with the descent of the techichi race. In this sense, the techichi was very popular in the Aztec region, being considered a mystical race, with healing powers, future predictions and communication with the world of the dead.

On the other hand, there is the thesis that the Chihuahua is descended from Chinese breeds and arrived in the West along with the navigations of Spanish traders who took them to America, and there, they crossed with other small breeds.

In addition, the breed became very popular in several countries, since it was registered by the American Kennel Club, it gained more space, including in the media world.

Chihuahua's temperament

At first, dogs of this breed are always on the alert, they are gentle and hardy, being very loyal to their owner. In addition, they have an above average intelligence, making their personality sharp.

In addition, cats of this breed are temperamental and daring, they are not afraid of danger and much less aware of their size, if the chihuahua develops a combative behavior, he will not hesitate to challenge any other dog, regardless of size. Therefore, training is important to control possible aggression.

However, this breed is very loyal to its owner, usually sticking to only one person, avoiding the others. In this sense, although they are playful, he is not a good dog for a small child , because if the game is understood by the dog as a trial, he tends to defend himself by attacking.

Physical characteristics

Dogs of this breed have a wide variety of colors, markings and combinations, such as white, black, chocolate, cream, among others. In addition, its life expectancy is 20 years, as well as the average height of 20 cm, with a weight of up to 3 kilos.

Also, adult Chihuahuas have a small, round head in relation to the size of their eyes. Along with, the big and high ears, showing that they are always attentive to everything that is happening around them.

Another aspect is its short coat, but there are variations of hair, which are longer and slightly wavy.


Just like any other kitty, some care is essential for them to have a good quality of life. In this way, chihuahuas should be bathed once a month or every two months, if necessary, between the bathing period, the hair can be cleaned with a damp towel.

In this sense, brushing is essential to be done every week, to help remove dead hair, but you should pay attention to the specific types of brushes that may vary from model depending on the height of your Chihuahua's coat.

In addition, oral health should be carried out to avoid teeth and gum problems, brushing twice a week is indicated. Another relevant factor is the temperature of the environment, as Chihuahuas are sensitive to cold. In short, they must live indoors and depending on the temperature of the day, clothes are very welcome.


First of all, breast milk is necessary in the first 30 days to ensure a healthier life. In this sense, some remedies are also recommended in the pet's childhood, such as vermifuge, which protects the animal from worms and parasites, but before giving the medicine, the ideal is to take your Chihuahua to the veterinarian so that he can indicate the correct way of use. .

In summary, if the kittens of this breed are small when they reach adulthood, their puppies are even smaller, and this little excess of cuteness deserves special care, so pay attention to the food according to age, and be careful with objects that it can ingest, after all they are born very curious, wanting to explore the world around them.

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