That is, the mental and physical can be compromised in a way that you may have a lot of work to reverse. That saying is always valid: “prevention is better than cure!”. And it's true. Because the more you prevent sedentary or laziness situations, the healthier your dog will be and a better life he will be able to lead.

And of course, not just the dog. You will also have a more peaceful life. Because you will be avoiding headaches that, let's face it, are always difficult to deal with. After all, it's bad to have to take a dog to the vet constantly for diseases contracted by carelessness. So, follow the text and learn how to prevent your lazy dog ​​from continuing to lead this kind of life.

Lazy Dog - How to start changing his behavior?

If your dog is lazy and you've noticed it, you know you need to do something about it. However, if you've never noticed or concluded that this could be a problem, there's always time to start. In today's text, we want to present some practical tips on what you can do to build a more active, healthy and playful dog. Keep reading!

Identify the signs of laziness

The first step is to identify the signs of laziness. A lazy dog ​​will clearly demonstrate this and you won't need to do a deep analysis to interpret that your dog doesn't want anything. A dog without appetite , without spirit and with a tired and stopped look, is often the result of a lack of games, walks or expenditure of energy itself.

If your dog sleeps all day, doesn't make much effort to walk, or doesn't show any kind of emotion when you get home from work, he could be in a deep state of laziness. These situations do not happen overnight. They can trigger over time. Especially if there is no physical stimulus in everyday life. Let's talk about it below!

Stimulate the animal with games and games indoors

Stimulating the lazy dog ​​with games for dogs , games of hide or hunt or some activity that sharpens his instincts, is essential for him to have a fuller life. However, when he has already become a lazy dog, you will hardly be able to turn him into an active dog quickly. 

You can create challenges for him to find food with fun and even homemade toys. Also, avoid keeping the same toys in the environment all the time. They can get bored quickly. Another point that is always important to consider is that each dog is unique. So if some kind of prank doesn't work, don't give up and try another one.

Take the dog for a walk and get him out of sedentary lifestyle

To give you an idea of ​​the importance of walking, in some parts of the world people are fined for not taking their dog for a walk . Yeah, from that fact, we can understand how sedentary lifestyle can turn you into a lazy dog ​​over time. And that, obviously, is very bad for the health of the animal.

So always consider walking with your animal. Take time out of your day for the tours to take place in a relaxed and unhurried way. This habit will be fundamental for the animal to develop some important skills, such as socialization. For mental issues, this is very important and helps to ward off laziness.

Do not leave the animal alone for too long.

A dog alone is synonymous with many physical and mental problems. Therefore, avoid leaving him alone for a long time at home. Especially if you live in an apartment or places without much external view.

The dog needs company and needs to feel that the tutor is around. Otherwise, he could develop not only lazy characteristics, but also some diseases, such as separation anxiety syndrome .

One option is to hire a dog walker if you are unable to spend some time with the animal (not just at night). This professional can take the dog to relax, breathe fresh air, spend that accumulated energy and, of course, be happy.

The power needs to be balanced so as not to accumulate or lack energy

Did you know that a lazy dog ​​can be a reflection of a poor and unbalanced diet? So it is. The canine organism asks for some specific and basic nutrients that, if not supplied, can trigger problems.

For example, overeating can create a buildup of energy. And this is bad for the dog. And the lack of nutrients can cause the animal to become weak, which is also very bad.

Never force or speed up the process

Each dog has its learning and adaptation time. Therefore, no matter the breed and characteristics: Always respect the animal's time so that it learns in its own way. It's no use taking away the animal's laziness in a way that it will present other diseases in the future!

Good training can solve the lazy dog ​​problem

And finally, always consider dog training as a great source of behavioral development. A good professional can transform your dog's routine into something more natural, light and active. Therefore, when the opportunity arises, do not hesitate to enlist the help of someone who understands the subject.