For example, if a dog has a certain mania and you simply "cut it by the root", the animal will hardly be able to lead a peaceful life after that. After all, he can live with an excess of anxiety and stress. And you know, stress in dogs can result in a lot of negatives in the short term. For example, loss of appetite, mood and health.

Therefore, in today's text we will understand a little more about it. Let's identify some situations that you can test so that your dog has a fuller life. But we've already advanced: it's not a simple job and much less overnight. Therefore, a lot of patience will be required. Follow!

Dog quirks – How to eliminate

As we mentioned earlier, dog manias can reflect in different situations, such as loss of appetite , lack of energy or excessive aggressiveness and possessiveness. These situations are not good for the animal and need to be dealt with. But, the question is: how to treat?

Well, we separate some important tips that you can put into practice so that your puppy has a fuller life. But remember that every dog ​​is unique. That is, there is no rule and no ready recipe. You need to test, adapt, understand the animal's behavior and, above all, respect its time.

See the tips!

1- Identify the quirks to carry out individual treatments

The first step for the dog's quirks to be "manageable" is to separate them. That is, you need to treat each one individually, because each one represents a behavior. From the moment you manage to separate each situation, the chances of being successful in the “treatment” are much greater. And this happens for a simple reason: there is no generalization when we are talking about a life.

In the same way that a disease or condition needs to be treated individually, such as tartar in dogs or even a health problem such as diabetes, quirks also need it. A mania comes from a number of other behavioral situations. For example, if the dog has a habit of biting, it means that he is channeling some kind of energy into the bite.

Therefore, it is necessary to identify the exact craze to then be able to analyze where it may have arisen. Because if you decide to treat a series of manias with the same techniques, it will hardly have any effect. Because that's not how it works in the dog's mind.

2- Channel the energy of that mania into another activity

Energy expenditure is one of the best alternatives for anyone looking to build a healthy dog. However, energy is also responsible for making the dog ready for some quirks. And it is also through it (energy) that we can reverse the situation. For example, if the dog loves to bite, as in the example above, you need to find a way to channel this desire into another activity.

Often, a simple exercise will do the trick. Because all the dog needs in some cases is to spend accumulated energy. With this accumulation, they look for random and alternative activities and, over time, it can become a mania. Therefore, think of some way to transform the mania into another behavior that, in some way, can be positive.

3- Use rewards for the dog to condition itself in the right way

Rewards are a great way to educate a dog to do the right thing. Training snacks , for example, are excellent alternatives to create a conditioned behavior in the dog. For example, let's continue with the bite example. If the dog loves to bite, you can say a command word for him to stop. And when he stops, you hand over the cookie.

Over time, this conditioning will pay off, as the dog will understand your commands. And let's face it, there's nothing more important than the dog respecting the tutor. After all, the animal's mental and even physical health depend on human rationality. So take good care of your pet!

4- Do not force the animal's behavior and give it time

Another fundamental and important step is never to force your dog's behavior. It is extremely important that you give the dog time to understand that his quirks are not positive. However, it is obvious that simply speaking he will not understand. Therefore, it is a set of activities that you need to carry out and, over time, conditioning will happen.

The most important thing is to respect your dog's learning time so that he doesn't feel inferior or intimidated. Each breed is unique and this is also important to understand. For example, a Golden Retriever can have completely different behaviors than a Dalmatian . Therefore, adapting activities and understanding everything about the breed in question is fundamental.

5- Good training is essential

And finally, perhaps the most important tip. Any dog ​​quirks can be managed by a professional who understands the subject. As much as you can test the tips in this text, never rule out good canine training . It is from training that many behaviors are molded and corrected.

With good training, your dog will have a better quality of life. Because your behavior will be completely interpreted and there will be an exclusive targeting of training and techniques. With this, the chances of negative manias being "cured" increase a lot.