Miraculous Rescue: Team Saves Exhausted and Injured Dog Who Conquered England's Highest Mountain

 A rescue team came to the aid of one exhausted, injured dog who had just scaled the highest peak in Britain.

According to a post from Keswick Mountain Rescue Team, the dog had climbed Scafell Pike, which at 3,209 ft above sea level is England’s highest mountain.

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But on the return walk, the dog became injured and exhausted, and was “refusing to move.” The owners, meanwhile, were “starting to feel the cold.”

A request for help came to the Keswick Mountain Rescue, who sent a 13-person rescue crew. The owners were encouraged to descend as much as they could towards the team.

After they met, the dog was “made comfortable” and placed on a stretcher, and the team carried the injured dog back down to safety.

“Despite being quite a large dog at 33kg it was a joy to carry such a relatively lightweight casualty,” they reported. “The casualty remained cool, calm and positively regal throughout.”

The rescue reportedly took over 14 hours to complete, but it was worth it to help an animal in need. The dog and its owners were given a lift and reunited with members of their party.

Thank you to this rescue team for going the extra mile to save this dog — he seemed very happy and grateful for the help!

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