Possessive Dog – What Does It Mean?

Before we can even understand what a possessive dog means to the home, we need to understand what this term actually means. There are people who have lived with their pet dog for years and never noticed the problem, even though he was present. And in this case, often changing the habit or routine can be very difficult.

Dog behavior is a far-reaching subject. And the need for possession is also related to the lifestyle and day-to-day activities. For example, a possessive dog may bark or growl at simple situations like touching his food or toys. And over time, it only gets worse.

Furthermore, if someone “dares” to talk to you (the owner) or even interact in any way, a possessive dog can enter a state of deep aggression, which is very negative! And this is the result of anxiety, wrong customs, limited education or lack of training, etc.

To help you, we've separated a list of some important tips that you can apply even today. Look.

Avoid pampering your dog too much.

When we have just adopted a dog to live with us, it is normal to consider a series of attitudes as normal. And this is where the issue of pampering comes in. Especially when the animal is a puppy, we want to provide all kinds of comfort and well-being for the dog. Our will to protect him and give him a “lap” is enormous.

And it's not wrong. After all, dogs are driven by this kind of feeling. However, you have to have a full balance in this regard. It is very important that you are able to manage the situation so that you do not spoil the dog too much. After all, this can make the dog anxious and stressed at the same time. Because when he doesn't get what he wants, he will cry, bark or growl.

And in these actions, consequently we will have a possessive dog. Because if everything he wants, you give him, in the medium and long term, he will hardly “let go of the bone” and give in in some situation. Which is very negative for you and obviously for the animal.

Don't play pranks that make you stressed

If there's one thing dogs hate, it's being played with or “made fun of” in some way. That is, playing pranks that leave the animal stressed needs to be completely avoided. A possessive dog can also be a reflection of your attitudes towards this type of activity.

In addition, this will leave the animal completely stressed, which is also bad for other situations in life. For example, if your dog doesn't like you to go near a toy or a bowl of food, don't do it. In addition, games such as running or throwing the ball should be done in a way that makes the dog feel good. Never run after him or pretend to corner him. This is very negative!

Other animals can make you an even more violent possessive dog.

If your dog is afraid of other dogs or even exhibits aggressive behavior, such as barking or growling, know that this could be an indication of his need for possession. Dogs instinctively defend what is theirs. Be it food, be it the house, be it the owner. Somehow, instinctively, the animal will seek protection.

However, this does not mean that you should purposefully put him in these situations. If your dog doesn't get along with other dogs, why encourage contact? Or else, if the dog spends the day barking or growling at animals on the street, why let him have this contact? Think of these situations as a priority in the search for the "cure" for your possessive dog.

Of course, there is no magic recipe. But certainly these attitudes of prevailing their well-being and mental health will help a lot.

Training can be a great idea.

And finally, perhaps the most important tip: dog training is practically a must to guarantee better days for your pet. Contrary to what many people think, dressage is not synonymous with “mistreatment” during the journey or activity only for rich people. On the contrary! It's a way to stimulate the dog to better attitudes.

In a dressage, the dog will learn behaviors that will make it much less aggressive and possessive. In addition, they will learn not to feel anxious about your arrival or excited when they see a dog in the street. Everything is part of good preparation and should be thought of for his happiness. Good luck!