Hearing loss in dogs – what can you do to help your dog?


Partial or complete deafness, affecting one or both ears, can occur in dogs for a variety of reasons. Prevention and treatment are possible in most cases. But what to do at the first sign of hearing loss in dogs ? How to help your dog have more quality of life?

hearing loss in dogs

The dog's auditory abilities are clearly superior to those of humans. Our 4-legged friends are, in fact, capable of perceiving sounds ranging from 67 (low sounds) to 45,000 Hertz (treble), while humans can only hear between 20 and 20,000 Hertz.

Along with talent, hearing is therefore one of the most developed senses in dogs. Preserving his faculties is vital for him, as many actions depend on it in everyday life.

Preventing possible conditions by regularly examining and cleaning your ears can reduce your risk of hearing loss. There are also curative measures whose effectiveness is increased precisely when they are applied quickly and after early detection.

Various causes

Hearing loss in dogs can be partial, total, unilateral (affecting only one ear) or bilateral (affecting both ears). The origin of the dysfunction is congenital or due to illness or aging .

The puppy can therefore be born with partial or complete deafness. He too may come into the world and grow up with decent listening skills, but will see this decline over the years.

Some breeds have a predisposition to deafness. Bull Terriers , Dog Argentinos , Australian Shepherds and Dalmatians are among them. It is estimated, for example, that among Dalmatians, 5% suffer from bilateral deafness and 15% have unilateral deafness.

As for the diseases responsible for hearing loss, chronic ear infections are among the conditions placed in the index. Surgery or medication can be used to treat them.

Detecting Hearing Loss in Puppies…

Hearing loss in dogs, especially in puppies, is, in most cases, a hereditary anomaly. It can be detected very early, but not earlier than 3 weeks, because the young animal does not clearly perceive all sounds until this age.

After that time, you can assess his listening skills by examining his reaction to sound stimuli, such as clapping his hands or swinging a bunch of keys when he looks away. In addition to the attitude it displays when listening to these sounds, it is interesting to observe the mobility of its ears.

Finally, his behavior towards his mother and the other pups in the litter gives as many indications as his auditory abilities: if he continues to bite them despite their screams, it could mean he doesn't hear them.

To get to the bottom of this, you must turn to the veterinarian. He may then suggest subjecting the puppy to auditory and neurological tests to detect possible deafness.

… and in adults

When hearing loss in dogs is a result of illness or aging, it can manifest itself in different ways in adult or elderly dogs.

Sometimes it is enough to observe the dog's attitude and reactions in various situations to notice partial or total deafness.


As an owner, you are the best person to notice the signs of deafness in your dog. To understand, you can, for example, notice how he reacts to calls and orders, if he only obeys after observing his master or takes a while to turn his head after being called.

He can often appear surprised when someone approaches him or when someone approaches without being in his field of vision.

The lack of reaction to surrounding noises (horns, barking from their congeners, etc.) is also a sign that can lead to the suspicion of hearing loss in dogs, therefore, at the first sign, look for a veterinarian immediately.

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